
First blog post-Let’s Walk and Talk!!!

This is the post excerpt.

It’s 2/20/17, and it is such a beautiful day to start Women of Beautiful Shades Blog (WBSB). It’s 72 degrees in the low country of SC and I am super excited to start this blog. I have procrastinated for a few years and now is the time after being motivated by a few close friends.

On this page you will find parts of my life, along with others, bringing to you various topics. No filters, “Real Talk”, but clean daily life highs and lows we all go through and how we have gotten through them. Everyone who is involved is excited to get this path ready to see where it takes us. WBSB is ready to share with the world: our thoughts, experiences, relationship views, and so much more. All are welcome to come walk with us as we let our hair down, get real, laugh, motivate, and inspire. We thank all of you in advanced. Now lets walk and talk!!!


The Death of Me

When I say the death of me, I mean the death of the things I chose to attach to myself that meant me no good. You know, the things that brought me pleasure. That’s right, I am in the process of dying to myself. At first it fine. I got past the first few weeks with no problem because I knew those things (people, food, etc) I eliminated out of my life was not the best for me. As time progress then my body is starting to go through withdrawals because that thing I was use to doing or the person I was use to talking to or being with I chose to eliminate out of my life. I’m hungry for food, I’m hungry for him, I’m hungry………well you get the point. It’s funny how the things that are good for us we don’t always like the way it taste or even feel. You see when you decide to do things God’s way may not always feel good because I have been use to fulfilling the flesh. God’s way will not always feel good, heck, most of the time it does not but it is good for us. In this thing called life we have to grow up. With growing up there is a weaning process, and if anyone knows how it is weaning a baby from whatever (breast, pacifier, bottle, etc) that sooths them is not an easy task. They are ok with it at first until that moment hits and they realize they don’t have it. Then they get antsy, then agitated, irritable, and then kick and scream. It’s funny because even as adults we get hooked on what feels good to use but most of the time it may not be good for us depending on what it is. Sometimes we as adults are not grown up in certain areas. Sometimes, we hold on to what we know is no good for us. I am writing because I am going through the death of “Me”. I am finally dying to myself, and it does not feel good at times. Doing things that are not productive to my life I’ve decided to let go and give it ALL to God. I know God will sustain me if I just put my total trust in Him, no matter what it feels like. I must keep pushing because I know there is something greater in this, in what I’ve decided to give up and let go of. I know I may weep for a few days, but joy will come in the morning. Those things that only brought me temporary happiness will be replaced with things that will be added to the joy I have as I make better choices for myself. I am finally facing myself, enjoying myself, listening to myself, dealing with myself, stripping myself, pour into myself and loving myself. When you are tired of doing the same things over and over and expecting different results…….well you know, it’s insanity. I’m dying you guys, only so I can live-Real Talk!

Good Morning Gorgeous


We have to speak life into ourselves. Despite what anyone thinks of us God made us and He created a masterpiece when He created you. You’re uniquely designed, there is no one else like you. Do what it takes to be the Best version of yourself. Start with speaking life into yourself, you’re: a leader not a follower, head and not the tail, above and not beneath, beautiful, amazing, a masterpiece, healed, healthy, and whole.

Psalm 139:14 “I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made;

If this means going to counseling to heal so you can learn to love you then do so ❤️❤️❤️

Command Your Day

When you want to change the trajectory of your day command it in advance or command it in the moment. Just because one thing happen that you see as a negative doesn’t mean your whole day have to be that way. Also, don’t dread the day because it’s a certain day of the week. Look at each day as a day to enjoy, complete something, learn something new, or bless someone else. Each day is a day of opportunity. Happy Monday

Self Control and Discipline


Coming into 2022 the words I was going to REALLY apply to my life is patience and discipline. I knew that if I did not have discipline this year and patience I was going to stay stuck and in an unhappy place. This year I’ve decided to trust God fully whether it felt good or not. I have given myself to the Lord a long time ago but certain areas of my life I did not give up total control of. The older I get I knew I was not going to win in those areas and had to finally surrender. I told God I give up, I’m tired of being sick and tired. I was feeling empty. I did not have that feeling of fullness as I did when I felt like I was one with the Lord. Since 2022 came in I have came across several devotionals and sermons and the main focus was on discipline. I knew God was talking to me because these devotions and sermons title did not have the word patience or discipline in the title. I’m like God I hear you loud and clear🥰. We can spare ourselves a lot of unnecessary heartache and pain if we follow Gods instructions and stop trying to do things our way. If we don’t use discipline and self control feelings and emotions will definitely deceive you ~ Real Talk!

Two Years Ago to this Date 2/12….. Fear…… Faith!

Exactly two years ago I wrote a post on fear and to write this on this day was not intentional. I’m dealing with insomnia now days so I’m up. Soooo my question to myself, am I still living in fear? To be honest, at times. What just came to mind is that procrastination can also be a form of fear. I’ve been taking my laptop around saying to myself, for at least 5 months, I’m going to get back into writing, but I didn’t. Not until I read a piece from a friend tonight and how she’s getting back into writing and how she’s coped with COVID-19. Anyways, it inspired me not to procrastinate any longer. I’m an empty nester now and have been getting back into the things I use to enjoy, you know, rediscovering myself. Writing helps me express myself, it always have. I’ve been writing since I was small (poems, raps, etc). I feel so free, so why haven’t I been doing it more??? Procrastination……. FEAR!!! Fear of what? Fear of being good at it, finding MY thing I’m good at. Possibly, my destiny. I’ve been writing a book for years now but ask me how far have I gotten……a few paragraphs I’m ashamed to say. A spiritual brother of mine just told me this past Sunday, “I see a book coming from you”, but he’s not the first. So, I say all that to say, maybe it’s time. Time to stop procrastinating, time to stop living in fear to the point I’m paralyzed, STUCK! I know I will be fearful at times, but then remind myself God has not given me a spirit of fear, but of power, love and a sound mind. It’s 4:14a.m and I’ve been up since a little after 1a.m. I will end this and say, stay encouraged and do things for yourself that will give you freedom, peace and joy, even if your afraid. Tomorrow is not promised. You only fail when you don’t even try. Even if “IT” doesn’t bring you financial success, as long as you enjoy “IT “, then that’s all that matters. Live life to the fullest. Step out on Faith means to me doing it even if I’m afraid. Blessings! 💜

No more fear….I love you!

I know you don’t want me to allow myself to feel but I spent many years in fear of wanting you to know how I felt about you. One of our first real conversations you asked why didn’t I say anything all these years. Well I was afraid, afraid of the unknown. I’m not asking you to feel the same, but I’m tired of hiding behind fear of being rejected or things not going my way. So I have to say, “I love you” and “I’m in love with you”. Timing may not be right but at least you know, so if/ when the opportunity presents itself then it’s on you. My birthday is in two months and it’s time I stop allowing fear to get the best of me. We’ve both been with others and have had numerous failed relationships. I don’t know how it feels to be truly happy. Someone accepting me and my flaws and I can do the same with them. So no matter how this may end you can’t say you didn’t know how I feel. With or without me by your side I don’t want you to ever wonder. No more fear, no, not today!


There are four types of fears: fear of loss, fear of failure, fear of rejection, and fear of the unknown. It is very likely that you are struggling with one or more of these fears. These fears can paralyze you and keep you from God’s best. Remember what 2 Timothy 1 says in that God did not give us a spirit of fear, but a spirit of power, of love, and of self-discipline.
Which fears do you currently struggle with the most?” Credit (written by): Pastor Craig Groeschel and Life Church and is an insert from Soul Detox

I struggle with all of the above. Fear, fear, fear and daily I ask God to forgive me for living in some kind of fear. I know the scripture, “God has not given me a spirit of fear…..” heck I stress that to my children all the time but yet I struggle. I’m tired and wonder when was this seed planted in me? How did this begin? I can’t stay here in this place because if I do I will drown. I know I’m here for greater, but I just don’t know what. I need help and that’s real talk. Anybody know how this feels?


Written by myself, Sheila B

Picture taken by Sheila B

Happy New Year!!! Thyroid. The tiny, but mighty, psychiatric imposter. | Hypothyroid Mom

Thyroid issues are serious but I think the severity of it is downplayed, especially if not treated. Being under a doctor’s care is very important. How can you go to war when you don’t know what battle you’re fighting? Educate yourself if you have a health issue… don’t ignore it. #fighthypothyroidism #fightthehyp
